S SHIFTPress this button down to access secondary actions as described in the SHIFT ACTION column15 PLAYPlay/pause deckPlays deck when paused. Jumps to Cue point and continues to play from there when deck is playing (play-stutter)16 CUESets a temporary Cue point when deck is paused and preview track while pressed. Jumps and stops to the Cue point when deck is playingJumps and stops at the beginning of the track 17 SYNCMatches track's tempo and pahse with the ones of the Master Deck.Manually sets deck as Master Deck. All other decks will sync to the Master Deck. Hold down for more than 1 second to return Master Deck selection to Auto-mode (VirtualDJ will be auto-selecting the Master Deck depending on which deck is playing out to the Master Output18 DECK SELECTAssign a VirtualDJ deck to the Left/Right side of the Platinum. The left-side button toggles control between Decks 1 and 3. When the left-side button is lit, the left side of the Platinum will control VirtualDJ deck 3 and deck 1 if unlit The right-side button toggles control between Decks 2 and 4. When the right-side button is lit, the right side of the Platinum will control VirtualDJ deck 4 and deck 2 if unlit19 WHEELToggles between Scratch (Vinyl) and Bend (CD) modes for the JogwheelToggles between Elapsed and Remain Time (applies on both the skin and the LCD display 20 PADSThe 8 Performance Pads offer different functionality depending on the selected mode. See PadsThe 8 Performance Pads offer different functionality depending on the selected mode. See Pads21 PAD MODESelects a mode for the performance Pads. See Pads22 JOGTouch-sensitive jogwheel for scratch, bend, loop adjust. In Scratch mode (WHEEL button lit), use the top side of the jogwheel to scratch and the outer side to bend (temporary slow-down/speed-up).
In Bend mode (WHEEL button unlit), use the jogwheel to bend (temporary slow-down/speed-up)
In Loop In/Out Adjust modes (LOOPIN/LOOPOUT Pads blink - see Pads), use the jogwheel to fine-adjust the Loop In (Start) / Loop Out (End) points of a manual loop.Fast search (seek) through track's time23 LCDDisplays Track's info. See LCD below24 PITCHAdjust Deck's tempo (BPM)25 PITCH BENDTemporary slow-down/speed-up deck's tempo. Tempo will return to the value designated by the Pitch fader, once the butons are releasedPitchBend (-) : Enable/disable Key-Lock (Master Tempo). When enabled, the key of the track will retain its value when the Pitch/Tempo is changed. PitchBend (+) : Selects the next available -/+ % range for the Pitch fader
D1 BPMDisplays the current BPM value of the trackD2 TIMEDisplays the Remain (with a minus mark) or the Elapsed Time of the track. Time mode is selected with SHIFT+WHEELD3 SLIPWill be displayed when the Slip mode is enabled on the deckD4 KEY LOCKWill be displayed when the Key-Lock (Master Tempo) is enabled on the deckD5 PITCH ARROWThe down arrow will be displayed when Pitch has a positive value (track's speed higher than original) The up arrow will be displayed when Pitch has a negative value (track's speed lower than original) None of the arrows will be displayed when Pitch is at the zero/middle position (track's speed equal to original)
The arrows will blink if the actual position of the Pitch fader and the software Pitch values don't match and will indicate the direction the hardware Pitch faders needs to be moved to, in order to catch the software value. This may happen if the SYNC button is used.D6 DECK#Displays the Deck assigned on the Left/Right side of the PlatinumD7 RED RINGIndicates the current track's position of the software jogwheel - shows rotationD8 WHITE RINGIndicates the track's position in time, starting with an empty circle and ending to a full circle when track reaches its end. The white circle will start blink when track reaches 30 seconds before end