for VirtualDJ 8.3 Last Update : April 2019
Firmware & Drivers
Firmware: Update the firmware of the unit to the latest version from
Rane Dj DownloadsDrivers: Install the latest drivers (for both
Windows and
MacOS X computers) from
Rane Dj DownloadsVirtualDJ 2018 Setup
Download and install VirtualDJ 2018 from our
Downloads Page (in case you have not done already)
Once VirtualDJ 2018 is launched, a Login Window will appear. Please login with your preferred method from the ones provided.
Pro Infinity or a
Pro Subscription License is required to fully use the
Rane Seventy-Two.
Without any of the above Licenses, the controller will operate for
10 minutes each time you restart VirtualDJ.
Buy a licenseA detection window will appear next verifying proper connection with Rane Seventy-Two.
Click on the "Use Soundcard" button in order VirtualDJ to apply the pre-defined audio configuration. Keep in mind that due to the nature of the unit, speakers need to be connected to the Master Output of Seventy-Two and the pre-defined audio configuration has to be used.
Click to OK.
The unit is now ready to operate. Advanced Setup
MIDI OperationThe unit should be visible in the CONTROLLERS tab of Config and the “factory default” available/selected from the Mappings drop-down list. The factory default Mapping offers the functions described in this Manual, however those can be adjusted to your needs via VDJ Script actions.
Find more details at
VDJ Pedia
The unit has a pre-defined Audio setup and a special button in the AUDIO tab of Config to provide that. Alternative Audio setups can be applied in the same window.
For further software settings please refer to the
Manuals of VirtualDJ 2018.
S SHIFT: Hold this button down to access secondary functions of Rane Seventy-Two (mainly marked with a white arrow looking up in the mixer's silkscreen)
The functionality of each button, knob and slider per section (as shown in the image above) will be explained in detail in the next chapters
1 CROSSFADERBlends audio between the channels assigned to the left and right side of the crossfader.2 VOLUMEAdjust the Volume of each channel.3 CUE (PFL)Press these buttons to send each channel to the Headphones Output channel. Please note that all these operations are hardware operated, but their movement is visible in VirtualDJ GUI.
Performance Pads
The 8 RGB Pads offer various functions, depending on the selected Pad mode. Each of the 5 Pad mode buttons offers 2 individual modes. Press a pad mode button once to access it's primary mode, and press it again to access it's secondary mode. The modes represent a page of the PADS section on the default VirtualDJ GUI.
4 PAD MODEPress any of the 5 available Pad mode buttons to set the Pads to Hotcues, Auto Loop, Loop Roll, Sampler and Slicer mode.
Press any of the 5 available Pad mode buttons twice to set the Pads to Pitch Play, Manual Loop, Pad FX*, Fader FX* and Transport mode.
* Pad FX and Fader FX Pad Modes are hardware operated by Rane Seventy-Two firmware5 PERFORMANCE PADSThe 8 Pads offer different functionality depending on the selected mode.6 PARAMETERSThese buttons control the Parameters of the selected Pad mode.
The Parameters of each mode can be adjusted from the VirtualDJ GUI (Pads section)
Read further details about Pads in the VirtualDJ manual.Press the CUE mode button to set the PADs to Hot Cue mode (button will be lit white) and automatically load the Hotcues Pads page in VirtualDJ GUI
Each one of the 8 pad assigns a Hot Cue Point (1 to 8) or jumps the track to that Hot Cue Point (if assigned).
When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track. Once it is assigned, the Hot Cue Button will light on.
Hold SHIFT and then press a pad to delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
Hotcues Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
Press the AUTO LOOP mode button to set the PADs to Loop mode (button will be lit blue) and automatically load the Loop Pads page in VirtualDJ GUI
Press one of the pads to trigger an Auto Loop of a different size in beats, depending on the selected page. There are 6 different pages available with sizes starting from 1/32 up to 128 beats.
Use the PARAMETER buttons to select the previous/next page with the desired Loop sizes
Hold SHIFT and then use the PARAMETER buttons to change the behavior of the Loop pads, by selecting the On/Off (toggle), Hold (momentary – while pad is pressed) or the Roll mode (track will resume to the position it would have been once the pad is released)
Loop Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
Press the ROLL mode button to set the PADs to Loop Roll mode (button will be lit cyan) and automatically load the Loop Roll Pads page in VirtualDJ GUI
Press and hold one of the pads to trigger a momentary (while pressed) auto loop of a different size in beats. Once the pad is released the track will resume to the position it would have been as if the pad was not ever pressed.
Loop Roll Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
Press the SAMPLER mode button to set the PADs to Sampler mode (button will be lit pink) and automatically load the Sampler Pads page in VirtualDJ GUI
Each one of the 8 pads triggers a sample from the selected Sampler Bank of VirtualDJ. If a bank has less than 9 samples, both sides of Rane Seventy-Two will control the same samples. If a bank has more than 8 samples, the left side of Rane Seventy-Two will control samples 1 to 8 and the right side samples 9 to 16.
Press the pads to trigger a sample. Depending on the selected trigger Pad mode, use SHIFT and the same pads to stop the sample.
Use the PARAMETER buttons to select the Sampler Bank (previous/next).
Sampler Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
Press the SLICER mode button to set the PADs to Slicer mode (button will be lit red) and automatically load the Slicer Pads page in VirtualDJ GUI
The 8 pads represent eight sequential beats—"Slices"—in the Beat Grid. The currently playing Slice is represented by the currently green lit pad. The light will move through the pads as it progresses through each eight-Slice phrase. Press a pad to repeat that Slice (hold it down if you want to keep looping it).
Once the Pad is released the track will continue to play from the position it would have been if the pad was never pressed.
Hold SHIFT and then use the Pads to repeat the memorized Slices (the Slices played/repeated last time)
Use the PARAMETER buttons to adjust the length of the Loop applied to the slice. or adjust the step of the Slices
Slicer Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
Press the the CUE mode button twice (or once if the selected mode was HotCues) to set the Pads to Pitch Play mode (button will be lit green) and automatically load the Pitch Play* Pads page in VirtualDJ GUI.
*This page is specifically designed for Rane Seventy-Two and will not be available if the unit is not connected.
In this mode, the Pads trigger a selected Hotcue point (or the Temporary Cue if none selected or not available) at a selected Key semitone (from -7 to +7).
Three different banks are offered with various semitone values to use and a 0 value (reset key to its original value) is always offered in all pages.
Hold SHIFT and then select a Hotcue for the Key pads to trigger. Each time a Pad is pressed, the track will jump to that Hotcue point and will also alter the Key of the track to the value designated by it assigned value.
Use PARAMETER buttons to adjust the Key of the track without trigger a Hotcue.
Hold SHIFT and then use the PARAMETER buttons to select a different bank with different key semitone values.
Pitch Play Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
Press the the LOOP mode button twice (or once if the selected mode was Loop) to set the Pads to Manual Loop mode (button will be lit lime) and automatically load the Manual Loop Pads page in VirtualDJ GUI.
Each one of the 8 pad offers a different loop function.
Use Pads 1 and 2 to set a Loop Entry (In) and a Loop Exit (Out) point for manual looping.
Use Pad 3 to turn off the Loop (if enabled) or trigger a Loop of the selected size in beats
Use Pad 4 to repeat the last triggered loop (reloop)
Use Pads 5 and 6 to half/double the size of the Loop.
Use Pads 7 and 8 to move the Loop (if enabled) forward/backwards by 1 beat
While SHIFT is pressed use ..
Pad 1 to set the Jogwheel to Loop In Adjust mode and use the Jogwheel to fine adjust the Loop In position
Pad 2 to set the Jogwheel to Loop Out Adjust mode and use the Jogwheel to fine adjust the Loop Out position
Pad 3 to set the Jogwheel to Loop Move Adjust mode and use the Jogwheel to fine move the Loop through the track.
Pad 4 to enable/disable Smart Loop. When Smart Loop is enabled (default status), using Loop In and Loop Out buttons to trigger a Manual Loop, will result of a seamless loop (track will stay on beat)
Pad 5 to enable/disable Loop Back mode. When Loop Back mode is enabled, and an Auto Loop is enabled, the current track's position will be considered as the Loop Out (Exit) point of the loop and the passed part of the track will be looped.
Pad 6 to enable/disable Quantize Loop mode. When enabled, the Loop In point of a Loop will be snapped to the nearest beat
Pad 7 and 8 to move the loop (if enabled) forward/backwards by the amount of the size of the loop.
Use the PARAMETER buttons to half/double the size of the Loop
Manual Loop Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
Manual Loop Pads Page while SHIFT is pressed – VirtualDJ GUI
Press the the ROLL mode button twice (or once if the selected mode was Loop Roll) to set the Pads to PadFX mode (button will be lit yellow) and automatically load the PadFX* page in VirtualDJ GUI.
*This page is specifically designed for Rane Seventy-Two and will not be available if the unit is not connected.
The 4 upper pads offer 4 different effects to use (Vinyl Brake, Backspin, Gate and Echo) while the 4 lower pads offer 4 different sizes to perform the selected effect.
In order to use an effect, press one of the 4 upper pads to select it and then press one of the lower 4 pads to apply the effect with the desired size.
Please note that these effects are hardware operated by Rane Seventy-Two firmware, and they won't apply if you click on the pads on VirtualDJ GUI.
For further details about the effects offered on this page please advise the unit's user guide.
PADFX Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
Press the the SAMPLER mode button twice (or once if the selected mode was Sampler) to set the Pads to FaderFX mode (button will be lit green) and automatically load the FaderFX* page in VirtualDJ GUI.
*This page is specifically designed for Rane Seventy-Two and will not be available if the unit is not connected.
In this mode the 8 pads offer 8 different volume transformation effects to use.
In order to use an effect, press and hold one of the 8 pads. The effect will be applied for as long you keep the pad pressed down.
Please note that these effects are hardware operated by Rane Seventy-Two firmware, and they won't apply if you click on the pads on VirtualDJ GUI.
For further details about the effects offered on this page please advise the unit's user guide.
FADERFX Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
Press the the SLICER mode button twice (or once if the selected mode was Slicer) to set the Pads to Transport mode (button will be lit green) and automatically load the Transport* page in VirtualDJ GUI.
*This page is specifically designed for Rane Seventy-Two and will not be available if the unit is not connected.
Use Pads 1 and 2 to bend (alter the pitch momentarily) the track down or up.
Use Pads 3 and 4 to decrease or increase the speed of the track (by altering it's pitch)
Use Pad 5 to toggle Master Tempo (When Master Tempo is active the track returns to it's original key regardless of the pitch setting)
Use Pad 6 to sync the track (automatically match the corresponding deck's tempo with the opposite deck's tempo and phase)
Use Pad 7 to cue the track.
Use Pad 8 to play or pause the track.
Transport Pads Page – VirtualDJ GUI
7 LP/HPApplies a High Pass/Low Pass Filter on the track (middle position is Off position)8 EQ LOWAdjust the low (bass) frequencies9 EQ MIDAdjust the middle (mid) frequencies10 EQ MIDAdjust the high (tremble) frequencies11 LEVELAdjusts the audio level (gain).12 VU METERSShows the strength of each channel’s pre fader signal.13 CH INPUT SWITCHDefine the source of each Channel. Put the switchers to USB A or USB B position for software mixing. Please note that all these operations are hardware operated, but their movement is visible in VirtualDJ GUI.
Rane Seventy-Two offers you the ability to combine Hardware Effects (Flex FX) with Software Effects at the same time.
You can activate up to
four Effects at once per deck.
Three of them are
software (provided by VirtualDJ) and
one of them is
hardware (provided by Rane Seventy-Two firmware).
For this reason the screen of Rane Seventy-Two offers
four effect slots per deck numbered as
20, 21, 22 and
23 on the picture above.
The way effects work with Rane Seventy-Two differs from the way effects work with most other controllers.
You must "arm" an effect first before you are able to activate / apply it on a deck.
For this, you must use the buttons marked as
16, 17, 18 and
19 to
arm the effects you wish to use, and then
activate them by using the EFFECTS lever (marked as
When you use the EFFECT lever, all armed effects are activated
at once (chained effects).
14 FX ASSIGNAssigns which side of the screen contol which deck effects on VirtualDJ.
Due to firmware limitations, for the effects to operate properly with VirtualDJ, left side of the screen must be assigned on deck 1 and right side on deck 2.15 FX PARAMETERAdjusts the strength of the selected effect, or selects a different effect for the selected slot:
- Click on one of the FX slots (20, 21, 22 or 23).
A white arrow will show up on the slot's box. This indicates that the slot is selected.
- Turn the PARAMETER knob clockwise to increase the strength of the effect. Turn the PARAMETER knob counter clockwise to decrease the strength of the effect.
- Push the PARAMETER knob down.
The FX ARM button of the selected slot should start blinking.
- Turn the PARAMETER knob to select a new effect for the slot.
- Push the PARAMTER knob once more. The selection has been completed and the slot will stop blinking.
16 ARM FX1Press this button to prepare / arm the effect on slot 1 to be applied when EFFECTS lever is pulled.
When the slot is armed the led of the button will turn on with full brightness.17 ARM FX2Press this button to prepare / arm the effect on slot 2 to be applied when EFFECTS lever is pulled.
When the slot is armed the led of the button will turn on with full brightness.18 ARM FX3Press this button to prepare / arm the effect on slot 3 to be applied when EFFECTS lever is pulled.
When the slot is armed the led of the button will turn on with full brightness.19 ARM FLEX FXPress this button to prepare / arm the effect on slot 4 to be applied when EFFECTS lever is pulled.
When the slot is armed the led of the button will turn on with full brightness.20 FX SLOT 1Shows the name and strength of the effect selected on slot 1.
Click the box with your finger to select slot 1 as the "working" slot for the PARAMETERS knob (a white arrow will appear on top side of the box)21 FX SLOT 2Shows the name and strength of the effect selected on slot 2.
Click the box with your finger to select slot 2 as the "working" slot for the PARAMETERS knob (a white arrow will appear on top side of the box)22 FX SLOT 3Shows the name and strength of the effect selected on slot 3.
Click the box with your finger to select slot 3 as the "working" slot for the PARAMETERS knob (a white arrow will appear on top side of the box)23 FLEX FX SLOTShows the name and strength of the effect selected on slot 4.
Click the box with your finger to select slot 4 as the "working" slot for the PARAMETERS knob (a white arrow will appear on top side of the box)
Please note that the effects on this slot are provided by Rane Seventy-Two firmware (hardware effects)24 FX BEATSShows length/timing in beats for the software (orange) and hardware (blue) effects.
Click on one value and use the PARAMETERS knob to adjust it.
Please note that effect beats timing is not available for all software effects25 DEPTHAdjusts the strength of the applied Hardware effect (Flex FX)26 TOUCH FXEnables Touch FX functionality in Rane Seventy-Two where the effects of the four slots are also combined with a low/high pass filter in a two dimensional parameters screen.
Touch the screen at any place inside the parameters box to apply momentarily (while pressed) the selected effects. Once you lift your finger, the effects will stop from being applied.27 EFFECTS LEVERActivates the currently armed effects momentarily (while held) on down position or permanently on upper position.
You can reverse these levers so that upper position is momentarily and down position is permanent if you wish. For further details please advise the unit's user guide. Important notice:
By default the effects on Rane Seventy-Two are applied as post-fader effects. This means that they are applied after the volume fader setting. This mode allows effects trailing to be heard even after turning channels volume to zero. However for this reason you won't be able to pre-listen the effects on your headphones. If you wish to change this behavior you can change the fxProsessing setting in VirtualDJ options and set it to pre-fader.
Rane Seventy Two offers a touch screen that allows you to scroll the browser, see various information about the current loaded tracks and manipulate effects, (see
EFFECTS page of this manual for more information about effects handling).
28 VIEWPress this button to toggle the screen between the various modes (Browser, Track Information and Effects)
Hold this button down to access the unit's settings menu (hardware operation)29 TAPTap this button a few times to set a new BPM for the current track.30 TRACK PROGRESS WAVESTouch this area to move the playing head to the corresponding location of the track (Track seek)31 SCRATCH WAVESPinch In/Out this area (2 fingers touch) to change the zoom level of the scratch waveforms.32 SYNCTouch this area to match the track's BPM and phase with that of the other deck.
Hold down SHIFT and press this button to slowly reset BPM back to it's original value.
Input/Output Controls
33 MIC 1 VOLUMEAdjust the volume of the microphone 1 input (located on the rear side of the device)34 MIC 1TONEAdjust the tone (single band equalizer) of the microphone 1 input.35 MIC 1 VUMETERShows the incoming signal level of microphone 1 input.36 MIC 1 DUCKEnables ducking (also knows as talk over) for microphone 1 input.
When Duck is active, the volume of mixer channels is automatically lowered when the microphone receives signal.37 MIC 1 ECHOApplies an Echo effect on microphone 1 input38 SESSION INAdjusts the volume of the incoming signal on "Session" input on the rear of the device.39 SESSION IN CUE (PFL)Sends the signal of the "Session" input on the headphones channel for pre-listening.40 SAMPLER VOLUMEAdjusts the volume of the Sampler.41 SAMPLER HP/LP FILTERApplies a High-pass/Low-pass resonance filter on the output of the sampler. Middle position is OFF position (no filter applied).42 SAMPLER VUMETERShows the incoming signal level of the sampler.43 SAMPLER FLEX FXSends the sampler output to the unit's FLEX FX effects.44 MASTER VOLUMEAdjusts the volume of the master output of the device.45 MASTER VUMETERShows the strength of the signal on the master output.46 BOOTH VOLUMEAdjusts the volume of the booth output of the device.47 SESSION OUT VOLUMEAdjusts the volume of the "Session" output of the device.48 HEADPHONES VOLUMEAdjusts the volume of the headphones channel.49 HEADPHONES MIXINGBlends the audio that's being sent on the headphones channel between the headphones signal (far left) and the master output signal (far right).50 HEADPHONES SPLITSplits the audio that's being sent on the headphones to headphones signal (left channel) and master output signal (right channel). Please note that all these operations are hardware operated.
Front & Rear
51 MIC 2 ON/OFFEnables/Disables the microphone 2 input.52 MIC 2 VOLUMEAdjust the volume of the microphone 2 input.53 MIC 2TONEAdjust the tone (single band equalizer) of the microphone 2 input.54 MIC ECHO STRENGTHAdjusts the strength of the echo effect used on microphone inputs.55 DECK 1 FADER CONTOURAdjusts the contour of deck 1 volume fader.56 DECK 1 FADER REVERSEReverses the direction of deck 1 volume fader.57 CROSSFADER CONTOURAdjusts the contour of the crossfader.58 CROSSFADER REVERSEReverses the direction of the crossfader.59 DECK 2 FADER CONTOURAdjusts the contour of deck 2 volume fader.60 DECK 2 FADER REVERSEReverses the direction of deck 1 volume fader.61 DECK SWAPSwitces all the controls of the mixer so that deck 1 is on the right side and deck 2 on the left.62 FOOTSWITCHConnect a footswitch control.
By default there's no action assigned to footswitch control. However, footswitch is accessible through devices tab in VirtualDJ configuration and allows you to map it to perform any action you wish.63 HEADPHONESConnect your headphones.64 POWER SWITCHTurns ON/OFF the power of the device.
Please make sure that you have made all the necessary connections on the back of the unit before turning it's power ON.65 POWER CONNECTORConnect a standard IEC power cable.66 USB (Type B) PORTSConnect a standard USB cable to connect Rane Seventy-Two with your computer.
You can connect up to two computers by using the two ports of the device (labeled USB A and USB B).
Make sure that you turn the channel CH INPUT SWITCHES (13) to the correct USB port for software mixing.67 USB (Type A) PORTSConnect your controller (like Rane Twelve) to use the integrated USB HUB of the device.68 GROUNDConnect your turntables ground cable (if they offer one).69 MASTER OUTPUTConnect your amplifier of self-amplified speakers.70 BOOTH OUTPUTConnect your booth/zone amplifier or self-amplified speakers.
Please note that the output is balanced (TRS).71 SESSION IN/OUTAuxiliary Input (Session In) and Output (Session Out) useful to chain Rane Seventy-Two with another mixer, to connect an external recorder, or to add any device that provides a line level output on your mix.72 DECK 2 INPUTSConnect your analog gear (like CD Players and Turntables). The sound these devices will be routed on channel 2 of the mixer.
Attention: When you connect a device on the PH/CD RCA plugs make sure that you also switch the PH/CD switch on the appropriate position depending on the device you have connected. Failing to do so may result in heavy distortion or a very weak signal of the analog source.73 DECK 1 INPUTSConnect your analog gear (like CD Players and Turntables). The sound these devices will be routed on channel 1 of the mixer.
Attention: When you connect a device on the PH/CD RCA plugs make sure that you also switch the PH/CD switch on the appropriate position depending on the device you have connected. Failing to do so may result in heavy distortion or a very weak signal of the analog source.74 MIC 1 INPUTConnect a microphone, or an instrument. When an instrument is connected make sure to turn the LINE/MIC switch to "Line" position.75 MIC 2 INPUTConnect a microphone, or an instrument. When an instrument is connected make sure to turn the LINE/MIC switch to "Line" position.
Advanced Audio Setup
VirtualDJ is offering DVS (Digital Vinyl System) support for the Rane Seventy Two. A Timecode Plus or Pro Infinity license is required. 2 Timecode Inputs are available to control any software decks via Timecode CDs or Vinyls.
All Mixer Channels can accept LINE (Timecode CDs) or PHONO Sources (Timecode Vinyls) depending on the CD/PH switchers at the rear panel of the unit.
- Connect your Timecode devices at the rear panel of the Rane Seventy Two
- Open VirtualDJ configuration window and select the AUDIO tab on the left
- Click on the "TIMECODE SIGNAL" button to enable the timecode inputs
- Your sound setup should be like the one shown on the following image:
Rane Seventy Two Sound Configuration with Timecode Inputs Configured
- Click on "Apply" button
- Click on the TIMECODE icon on the left side of configuration window.
- Press PLAY on your timecode CD or Vinyl device and VirtualDJ will automatically detect your Timecode type and make the appropriate adjustments for best performance.
- Click on the ON buttons from the TIMECODE panels of the Default Skin (in the SCRATCH center panel) to enable the Timecode control to any of the 4 software decks.
- Press PLAY on your timecode CD or Vinyl device and VirtualDJ will automatically detect your Timecode type and make the appropriate adjustments for best performance.
- Press the CALIBRATE button if for any reason the signal is not detected (possibly due to reversed phase connections).
The Rane Seventy Two has two USB ports, allowing simultaneous connection of two computers. Each port is completely independent. It is possible to run VirtualDJ on one computer and any other DJ-software on the other, Mac or PC.
How to:
- Connect the 2nd computer to the unused USB port on the Seventy Four.
- Switch the Input Source of the non-playing mixer channel to the USB source of the 2nd computer.
- Play a track on this deck and mix it when ready – you ll now have audio from both computers during the mix.
- Fade out the audio playing from the 1st computer to the audio playing from the 2nd one.
- When only audio from the 2nd computer is left in the mix, remove the first computer.
- Assign the Input Source for the remaining free mixer channel to the 2nd computer and keep mixing.
The Rane Seventy Two has a
dedicated Input to record your Main Mix. VirtualDJ has pre-configured this input for recording, thus no special setting is required in order to record your mix (including analogue sources and Microphone).
Use the REC or BSCAST buttons from the MASTER center panel of the VirtualDJ GUI to Record or Broadcast your mix.
Hardware Integration Department 2019 - ATOMIX PRODUCTIONS Reproduction of this manual in full or in part without written permission from Atomix Productions is prohibited.