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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: The ultimate plugins

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Here is a ulitmate plugin that Atomixmp3 user can use:
* You will have 3 band Equalizer, very useful and fun to play with
* Look Mom, no mouse!!!, you will use the crossfader - much easier to deal with, and look cooler than staring at the monitor
* 2 soundcard or 3D soundcard. I recommend 3D soundcard using 2 soundcard option and mixer. Get a good one so you can record your mix

Bottomline, You look more DJ like if you have a mixer, play around with it, it's about 100 times better than using a mouse. I also suggest to play around with the EQ to, great help in smoothing out your transition.

My configuration:
*Soundcard: Santa Cruz soundcard
*PIII 800MHZ (good enuf)
*20GB of mp3
*Vestax PMC170A mixer
*4 audio cables
*Stantron 1000 MKSII headphone
*Altec Lansing ATP3 speakers
*and of course Atomixmp3

By the way, Atomixmp3 admin, please work on
*the sampler for mixer configuration, and
*the right channel. When I use mixer configuration, the right channel is less powerful than the left channel and when the song go to silent, there is this hideous noice: zrrrr zrrrr zrrrr zrrrr

That's all for now, goodbye


Posted Sun 02 Dec 01 @ 12:09 am
ok! so it isn't only me!

the right channel IS to low...

i have to adjust the balance on my mixer all the time...
(usin meters on the mixer...)

fix it!

do you have the trouble using the sampler with mixer configuration too?

actually I don't think the sampler works with the mixer configuration. The powers that be know about it. I believe a fix is in the works. Sampler will be cool when it works, but there's so much other new "goodies" in this program, that will just be a bonus to me when it's fixed.


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