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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Cool as...

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Hey, a big thnx to all the Atomix team. I bought a copy a few weeks back and have since made myself up two tidy CD's.
Sure a few wee bugs here and there, but still pretty damn amazing.

Only thing I want to know is, does other folk get the problem that the Auto BPM matching works by the overall BPM's not the local BPM's, so sometimes once you click the magic button you need to quickly adjust the tempo if it's gonna stay in time?

Also, whats the best hardware config? Is it better to use 2 cards or one 3d card?

Last thing, (which I also mentioned in an Email to Atomix suggestions email address), what do you folk think of the idea of putting a monitor button on the program for people with only 1 soundcard. It would work by allowing them to switch between what should come out of the speakers and what you hear in the headphones. But the recording function would only ever record the speaker output. This way folks could do real mixing when they record even with only one soundcard.

Enough banter...on with the tunes...



Posted Sat 03 Feb 01 @ 9:57 pm
very good idea this monitor feature! why not after all ?

For the BPM bug, you can overwrite the detected bpm by double-click on the bpm row in the song list !

Thans...I didn't know that.


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