I want to change the 'automix.fadeLength' configuration setting using set_var_dialog, but it's not working as expected.
set_var_dialog '%automixtime' 'FadeLength' && (get_var '%automixtime' && param_cast 'float' & setting 'fadeLength')
The set_var_dialog command doesn't wait for the user to click OK or Cancel in the dialog.
set_var_dialog '%automixtime' 'FadeLength' && (get_var '%automixtime' && param_cast 'float' & setting 'fadeLength')
The set_var_dialog command doesn't wait for the user to click OK or Cancel in the dialog.
Posted Fri 22 Nov 24 @ 7:05 pm
set var to known value, start a rsi monitoring the var when the var changes or you hit a timeout condition do something & stop the rsi.
Posted Fri 22 Nov 24 @ 8:43 pm