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Topic: Maybe a marketing boost for DDJ-RZX support is relevant?
Pioneer is saying that DDJ-RZX will not automatically unlock Rekordbox7, and the screens will not be supported no matter which license you sign up for
It IS a retired controller from 2016 - but it's still a $3000 monster with nice video screens, so the owners are MAD right now
It could maybe be a good time to do a marketing boost, and remind everyone that it works great with Virtual DJ 2024, and will of course continue to do so :)

Posted 5 days ago @ 8:45 am
Do they do that just to lose potential customers?

Insane decision considering the controller is rock solid and a favourite amongst video DJs.

Denon (well In-Music) did that to the MCX8000 when they pulled Engine support and firmware updates in 2020 but that controller was only 4 years old. Yes they wanted to pursue a new business model and on board software but ditching support on the old Denon gear so soon hacked me off so I'd find it hard to buy anything from them again based on that.

But as above I have two of them and they still work perfectly with VDJ. The standalone still works but you have to use a very old bad version of Engine Prime to move the songs over.

Posted 5 days ago @ 9:02 am
More accurately, the MCX8000 already had Engine software for database management, before the Prime series was even a thing.

When the Prime series came out, Denon introduced a new s/w version called Engine Prime specifically for the new hardware.

Cue much weeping and gnashing of teeth from owners of the older products that they didn't get new toys, so Denon caved and added support to the Prime version, even though it wasn't intended for use with the previous range, just to stop the moaning.

It did eventually get removed again though, as it was really never supposed to be there in the first place.

Posted 5 days ago @ 9:41 am
The reason they HAD to add the MCX8000 to Engine Prime is that the previous 1.5 didn't even work. constantly crashed. Couldn't even add 25 songs before crapping out.

I was on the firmware beta testing and it was an utter joke. The unit still has a host of bugs they refused to fix.

Less than 4 years is extremely poor support for such an expensive controller at the time no matter how they try to spin it.


Posted 5 days ago @ 10:03 am
You're still using it with VirtualDJ though, right? So it can't be that bad, or surely you would have moved on.


Posted 5 days ago @ 10:25 am
Yeah, with VDJ they're great and apart from taking an hour (and 96 screws) to put switch cleaner in the play buttons now and again they've been reasonably reliable after the screen freeze IC issue.

I would doubt many people use them in standalone mode any more, although I do use the seamless changeover at the end of the night for my last couple of tracks and it works well.

Posted 5 days ago @ 11:06 am
klausmogensen wrote :
Pioneer is saying that ... the screens will not be supported no matter which license you sign up for

That's indeed a quite strange decision.
I can understand changes in licensing. I cannot understand why you would reduce functionality for one of your own devices, especially one that was considered your flagship product for some years.

PS: Yes, DDJ-RZX works and will keep working with VirtualDJ.
You can even control STEMS with it, with both PADS and EQ knobs. Out of the box :P (as long as you choose to use internal/software mixer)

Posted 5 days ago @ 11:26 am
PhantomDeejay wrote :
I cannot understand why you would reduce functionality for one of your own devices, especially one that was considered your flagship product for some years.

My guess...planned obsolesence (to push sale of newer, on the market devices) and vendor ecosystem lock in (effort towards library organization, familiarity with layout and workflow).

PhantomDeejay wrote :

PS: Yes, DDJ-RZX works and will keep working with VirtualDJ.
You can even control STEMS with it, with both PADS and EQ knobs. Out of the box :P (as long as you choose to use internal/software mixer)

Huge selling poing from you guys tbh. There are so many venues/radio stations that still provide old hardware (e.g. the Rane TTM57SL), and DJs using other platforms are hung out to dry. As long as the drivers are still available/work (unfortunately another thing controlled by them and OS providers), we should be able to use our hardware as long as we choose to, and VirtualDJ definitely delivers on this.

Posted 5 days ago @ 11:37 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
DJ VinylTouch wrote :
As long as the drivers are still available/work (unfortunately another thing controlled by them and OS providers)

That should be a cause, drivers should be made open source [and commented] when a product is discontinued.
Most people wouldn't know what to do with them, but somebody will.
I bought the thing I should have the right to repair.

Posted 5 days ago @ 8:05 pm
locoDog wrote :
.... drivers should be made open source [and commented] when a product is discontinued.
Most people wouldn't know what to do with them, but somebody will.
I bought the thing I should have the right to repair.


Posted 5 days ago @ 8:13 pm
locoDog wrote :
DJ VinylTouch wrote :
As long as the drivers are still available/work (unfortunately another thing controlled by them and OS providers)

That should be a cause, drivers should be made open source [and commented] when a product is discontinued.
Most people wouldn't know what to do with them, but somebody will.
I bought the thing I should have the right to repair.

In a perfect world that would be so...but they are about business, and given hardware sales are a significant portion of revenue for these manufacturers, I don't really see this changing.

But that's why I respect VirtualDJ and how they go about stuff. As long as manufacturers play ball (no hiding behind proprietary protocols and no stifling, anti-competitive hardware vendor/software provider deals), they try their best to handle all common hardware.

Posted 5 days ago @ 8:33 pm
Unless another software comes through and really knocks my socks off it doesn't matter to me because like George said, VDJ has and will continue to support most controllers.

Ive only ran into 2 units out of all my years using VDJ and those were the Denon HS5500.s (which still work absolutely good with timecode) and the MixMeister unit which I don't ever believe was "officially" supported.

Other than those everything Ive used has worked, not always to my liking but it works!!


Posted 5 days ago @ 9:07 pm
And also regarding standalone units when the internal software development ceases you can still get the newest features with VDJ and just reassign pads etc to support them.

Posted 5 days ago @ 9:23 pm