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Topic: Rane Four VDJ Support - Page: 3
I have been with you all since the beginning of time 2000 Atomix. All these years I have not switch to any mixing software. I would like yo continue this relationship and stays with you all. I can't wait for the Rane 4 to be mapping with VDJ. I am having some issues with Serato and VDJ is hands down the best.
Let's get the mapping to us. If you need any beta tester add me to it and I will gladly take a stab at it. Peace

Posted Fri 24 Mar 23 @ 7:25 pm
One reason those screens on the Four are so appreciated is because on Serato, the UI doesn't change based upon pad mode. You have to use the computer to change tabs so you can see what the pads are set to do. So now, with the Four, Serato users can finally have a UI represent where they are in their workflow, but it's on-device by the pads and still not onscreen.

Posted Fri 24 Mar 23 @ 8:33 pm
Waiting as well and willing to beta test.

Posted Sat 25 Mar 23 @ 2:41 am
just got my Four, tried to map it for basic use myself, but I can't get the jogs to map no matter what, ive tried touchwheel for nudging and touchwheel_touch for the touch portion of the jogs, I'm guessing a definition file is needed.

Posted Sun 26 Mar 23 @ 5:12 pm
Willing to Beta test here!!! Any speculation on plug and play for RANE four is reassuring. :)

Posted Mon 27 Mar 23 @ 4:23 am
Mixology82 wrote :
just got my Four, tried to map it for basic use myself, but I can't get the jogs to map no matter what, ive tried touchwheel for nudging and touchwheel_touch for the touch portion of the jogs, I'm guessing a definition file is needed.

Have you tried using a midi detector to see what signal the jogs are sending?

Have you had any luck with the displays?


Posted Tue 28 Mar 23 @ 5:04 am
May be premature, but is it known if the Rane Four will support hardware and software FX in VDJ as it does in the other applications?

Posted Tue 28 Mar 23 @ 1:38 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Yes, both Hardware and Software Effects will be offered in VirtualDJ

Posted Tue 28 Mar 23 @ 1:54 pm
That's awesome!!

Appreciate the quick reply.

Posted Tue 28 Mar 23 @ 2:50 pm
WahlossPRO InfinityMember since 2017
I came to the forums to post a question about the Rev 1 but saw this thread and decided to add my 2 cents..
First of all thanks and kudos with much love, respect and appreciation for what the Dev guys have done, are doing and will do as new controllers come on stream.
VDJ are the "pioneers" (pun intended) of much of what all the other software companies are now implementing and behaving as though we are now seeing it for the first time, (like Columbus), and all the fan-boys are going apeshit, forgetting how they snubbed VDJ for implemented back in the day. The latest being stems or "parts" as the try to re-invent the wheel.
Everyone of them had shit to say about VDJ Stems 1.0, and how "artifacty" it sounded but lips glued now rekordbox release similar, but i digress...

We're all excited about and with our new controllers, but patience my VDJ brothers, I have no doubt when the rane 4 mappings drop it will be better than SRT's own native mappings.
They did it with Prime ans SC live and the can and will do it again. Anyone who has ever seen or used VDJ on those units say the same thing if they are honest..." VDJ integration is better than Engine's by far!"

Which brings me to ask the question, or make the statement or wish...
VDJ needs native hardware! I think if they produced a nice piece of hardware especially at this time with dedicated stem and a few user buttons for individual mapping, along with in jog displays at a decent price point (not entry level!). I'm sure VDJ users would support and cut into the sales of those who look down on VDJ users but still depend on us buying their hardware.

Posted Tue 28 Mar 23 @ 6:10 pm
Wahloss wrote :
VDJ needs native hardware! I think if they produced a nice piece of hardware especially at this time with dedicated stem and a few user buttons for individual mapping, along with in jog displays at a decent price point (not entry level!). I'm sure VDJ users would support and cut into the sales of those who look down on VDJ users but still depend on us buying their hardware.

There is no way that will happen, unfortunately. Atomix is a software company, and not even Serato would have the muscle to make that leap by themselves

A partnership with a hardware company, maybe. That was done a few years ago with Reloop and the Reloop Touch. But currently it seems that Reloop is mostly working with djay pro,

And all inmusic brands (denon, Numark, Rane Akai and so on) works with either Denon's own engine software or Serato, and Pioneer of course promotes Rekordbox. So does Native Instruments with Traktor

That leaves something like Hercules but they have their own djuced software

So I'm not really sure who is left to partner up with...

But luckily it's not needed
VDJ supports most hardware better than the software that ships in the box

Posted Tue 28 Mar 23 @ 7:34 pm
I recvd my RANE 4 and am an AVID VDJ user. And have come to the Conclusion that PATIENCE is what is needed here while the DEVS work their magic..The Controller is AWESOME, SERATO DJ PRO on the other hand is not..I for the life of me cannot keep any tracks in SYNC..One would think that should be a No Brainer but the software with 2 of the same trax load dips out of SYNC after like 45 secs. No Pre-Listen , it is hard to DJ off of an External Hardrive..to put it Mildly it is a MESS. I will dabble in using it cause it was free with the Hardware but am awaiting VDJ..Take your time and get it right !! Thank you for all you do !!

Posted Wed 29 Mar 23 @ 1:33 pm
Just my two cents.

For Serato, one of my biggest bugbears is the Serato screen not flicking to say saved loops when that option is selected on the controller. I have a Roland DJ-505 and I sometimes get lost where I am in the pad modes (Roland gave us up to 3 modes per selection. Which is a plus, don't get me wrong, I've just never understood why it's not reflected on screen. Seems like the Rane 4 is designed to combat this.

Secondly, Serato is the one piece of DJ software that I find I have to go in and manually edit beat grids, it's just not as slick as VDJ or even Rekordbox for this. Although in truth. In Serato, it's not like I have to do it that often.

Posted Thu 06 Apr 23 @ 6:52 am
ARE WE MAKING ANY PROGRESS ON RANE FOUR? Any updates would be appreciated.

Posted Fri 07 Apr 23 @ 6:00 pm
I was wondering about the progress as well, everyday I open VDJ to see an update saying now support Rane Four.

Posted Sat 08 Apr 23 @ 12:28 am
Usually we don't provide time frames.
However I can say that official support will come "soon". "Really soon!"

Posted Sat 08 Apr 23 @ 1:24 am
I Like " Real Soon" That is Positive News ...I had re-subcribed to PRO but had to cancel due to lack of Support oF RANE4 ..I will re-up once it is available..Stumbling thru Serato is causing angst!!!

Posted Sat 08 Apr 23 @ 12:05 pm
TWADE2014 wrote :
I Like " Real Soon" That is Positive News ...I had re-subcribed to PRO but had to cancel due to lack of Support oF RANE4 ..I will re-up once it is available..Stumbling thru Serato is causing angst!!!

You didn't have to - you chose to
And you knew going in,that the controller wasn't supported. Or at least you'd known if you'd looked it up
Looking up if support is awailable is always first step - especially for new controllers, where there has been no time to implement support yet in VDJ

Posted Sat 08 Apr 23 @ 9:51 pm
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Usually we don't provide time frames.
However I can say that official support will come "soon". "Really soon!"

This is great news, I knew when I got it that it wasn't supported but looking at the layout and what VDJ was already doing with stems and they way they mapped other midi devices it was going to be a beast when it was finally supported.

Posted Mon 10 Apr 23 @ 4:09 am

Posted Mon 10 Apr 23 @ 8:15 pm