AlphaTheta - XDJ-AZ


There are a few options available for the XDJ-AZ, to unlock Needle Search on the display, turn off auto-switch to Deck view after loading a Track, or adjust which times are controlled by the "Vinyl Speed" control.

Open VirtualDJ Settings, select the OPTIONS tab and then the CONTROLLER sub-category.

XDJ-AZ Settings - OPTIONS tab


This option is useful to prevent accidental track jumps when the Needle (Song Progress Wave on Display) is accidentally touched while the deck is audible.

When XDJAZ-NeedleLock setting is set to Yes (default selection), the Needle is locked and touching the Song Progress will have no effect when the deck is audible on air. If the deck is not audible then touching Song Progress wave works and allows you to seek through the track.
When XDJAZ-NeedleLock setting is set to No, the Needle is unlocked and you can touch the Song Progress wave and jump to a position on the loaded track regardless if the deck is audible or not.


When XDJAZ-BrowserAutoSwitch setting is set to Yes (default selection), the Browser view Switch is set to Automatic. In this mode, when a Track is selected and loaded to a Deck, the Decks/Waves view will be automatically offered without pressing any other buttons.

When XDJAZ-BrowserAutoSwitch setting is set to No, the Browser view Switch is set to Manual and the Browser View will remain active after loading a track. In this case the BROWSE button on top of the Main Display needs to be manually pressed to return to the Decks/Waves view.

Vinyl Speed

This option allows you to select which ramp times are controlled by the "Vinyl Speed" setting of the XDJ-AZ.
When XDJAZ-VinylSpeed setting is set to Touch, (default value) the "Vinyl Speed" setting adjusts the time that the tracks needs to come to a complete stop after pausing the deck.
When XDJAZ-VinylSpeed setting is set to Release, the "Vinyl Speed" setting adjusts the time that the tracks needs to come to full speed after starting the deck.
When XDJAZ-VinylSpeed setting is set to Both, the "Vinyl Speed" setting adjusts both the time that the tracks needs to come to full speed after starting the deck, and the time that the tracks needs to come to a complete stop after pausing the deck.

Browser Show Artist

When XDJAZ-browserShowArtist setting is set to Yes (default selection), the Browser on the XDJ-AZ screen will show the tracks formatted as "Artist - Title"
When XDJAZ-browserShowArtist setting is set to No, the Browser on the XDJ-AZ screen will show the tracks formatted as "Title" only.


XDJ-AZ - Default audio configuration with recording loopback

The default audio setup of XDJ-AZ provides a record loopback option.
This allows VirtualDJ to record and/or broadcast whatever is audible on the Master Output channels of XDJ-AZ.
This includes the 2 microphones, stand alone (USB) decks playback and of course the 2 analog inputs on the back of the unit.


XDJ-AZ - Audio configuration with Timecode Inputs

XDJ-AZ offers 2 stereo inputs for DVS (Timecoded CDs and Vinyls) Support.
Depending on whether you use Timecode Vinyl (Turntables) or Timecode CDs (CD Players) please perform the following steps:
  • Connect your Turntables to CH 3 and/or CH 4 Inputs at the rear panel of the XDJ-AZ.
  • From the XDJ-AZ UTILITIES menu -> MIXER tab, set the CH3 / CH4 CONTROL TONE to either PHONO or LINE, depending on the used connections and devices type.
  • Open VirtualDJ Settings ->AUDIO tab and press the TIMECODE SIGNAL button from the INPUT tab, for the above Audio setup to be automatically configured
  • Click to APPLY
  • Use the TIMECODE ON buttons that will be offered on the Decks panel of the default VirtualDJ GUI, to enable/disable Timecode control on a Deck

For further Technical features and specifications, visit

AlphaTheta XDJ-AZ
Product's Page

Hardware Integration Department

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