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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: DAC-2 / DMC-1 Mapper available at plugin download - Page: 1

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I have made a DAC-2 / DMC-1 Mapper available for download, made by Daniel.

Please note that it is not made from the team, and also have not had a chance to test it.

Post all feedbacks here...
about its functionallity and suggestions for improvements

dj in norway

Posted Thu 30 Dec 04 @ 9:43 am
hi my name is carlos i need a new plugin please get my.

dj in el salvador

Buy the full version and enter your serial into your profile and you will get the plugins

Hi, i'm a full user...where can i get the plugin to map?

Thanks :)


I updated the plugin with some new features. Waitlist browsing is now supported though moving a track from archive to waitlist isn't possible, yet. "Sync Start" starts the track and immediately synchronizes the two tracks.


- Beatstep and Shiftloop behaviour changed - lower resolution
- Beatsynced start added
- Waitlist browsing and loading added
- Smooth pitch reset added
- Shift + Match engages the beatlock only for a short time

daniels could you upload the source code of your plugin too ? thx ;)

What would you like to do with the code? Would you like to extend its functionality or just see it? I will upload the source code in the next days.

Any feedback on the new functions? Are they useful? If anybody has any other ideas to improve the plugin, post them here. thanks.

Please, use english on this forum.
As we don't understand you, we can't leave your post here.
sorry :(

I emailed Daniel about this issue which I think could greatly improve the beat step function with the DAC-2. He never replied but I did send it on 1/30/05. Here it is Daniel in case you did not get it (Daniel plz let me know what you think):


I found something that I think can be improved. As Im sure you know, shifting a loop forward or backward in beats is a great effect. You have the DAC2 set to beatshift the loops like:

"Outer wheel:

If a loop is set and either "Minus" or "Plus" are pressed, the wheel
can be used to beat-shift the loop. If the song is in Paused or Edit
Mode the wheel can be used to beat-step (+1, +2, +4, +8, +16, -1, -2,
-4, -8, -16)."

I love using this effect live. The problem is that the plus and minus buttons are also used to extend the loop or make it shorter. When playing a loop live, you have to press the plus or minus keys along with the outer wheel perfectly or else you end up extending the loop or forwarding the song with the outer wheel which takes the song out of loop mode altogether.

What do you think about using the shift button and outer wheel at the same time to beat shift a loop instead of the + and - buttons? That would solve the problem of which I spoke about above.



very good plug in!!! good job daniel!!!
i found a problem.....
if you use the wheel for search a song position in the direction of the end of the song and continue with rotation of the wheel happen a stange thing!!!try it!! the song in the player crash!!!
i'hope you understand!!!

The only other thing i wish this did was to auto expand directories using the other wheel, I still have to reach for the mouse to do this.

Press the load button to expand a directory.

I would really like to be able to do a recordcase player "listen" from the DAC -- so when you are browsing the recordcase you can just hit a button to preview the song (without loading it).

The old PCDJ Red had this functionality, and it was very useful.



I can't slam mix anymore because vdj keeps taking over the pitch, and i had to set my pitch range all the way up to 33% and fight it all last night. If vdj has the wrong bpm or you just want to slam two songs together you can't anymore because it wants to sync then all the time!

There is a like this good program and it uses before very it is happy

Change the pitch resoultion on the sliders to be a little more fine or shit or something to step it up by one bpm or so.

please i need download a new sample how i do it

Please read the title of the forum: We remind you that effect plugins are downloadable by full version users only.

