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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: New Video Text Plugin... - Page: 1

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Evening all...

I've written a basic video effect that simply implements scrolling text across the bottom of the video output. I know DJ Cel's Text2D already does this, but I wanted a few different features. Instead of rendering directly over the video output, mine draws a black box (although that can easily be made optional) drawn over the bottom of the video (just big enough for the font), then draws the text on top of that, making it easy to read IMHO. It makes use of a list box, so you can have lots of messages, one after the other - although a shuffle feature would also be easy. I'm thinking about implementing a sort and import/export function as well so you can save messages easily.

I'm going to give it a good testing this weekend, so if anyone is interested in testing it after that then let me know. I basically wrote it for my needs at one of my gigs, but it's always good to share :)

Probably more interesting to a few of you - I'm considering using this as a basis for an SMS plugin as well. I've done a fair bit of work with SMS over the years and wouldn't mind implementing something to use in VDJ with a mobile phone hooked up...

Let me know your thoughts and ideas ;)



Posted Thu 27 Sep 07 @ 3:57 am
Sounds great :) would love that

if you need any one to test my email/msn is admin@skyfxlrecords.com

sms would be killer too

Hehe, yes I am very interested to beta test your plugin.
My mail / MSN is in my blog ;-)

Do not hesitate to contact me.

VERY interested in an SMS plugin BUT, you need a way to censor them before screen output or you will be getting "The DJ Is A Dickhead!" type stuff. Also if you could implement smilies & stuff like pacman into it, that would be great.

wow, sms plugin for VDJ, that would be AMAZING!!!!

sms plugin would be great idea :)

feel free to drop the beta plugin in my email :)
email addys are in my about me spot on my blog :)
pro user & above only

Yup me too. I like to test it. Can i ?..hehe:P

My email on my blog. thks:)

Count me in as well!!!!! my email is on blog

Any news on this SBDJ?:P

It's not there yet I'm afraid, I've had a bit of time shortage recently. I'm hoping to sit down at some point this weekend/next week and get somewhere where I'm happy for people to test it :)

Oh, TopHouse, the plugin effect panel allows you to screen/add/remove messages :)

nice.. tk ur time mates:) no hurry..

nice, no hurry here either :) sounds very usefull and definitly a high DL count 4 plugins :)
definitly worth the time n effort, and our wait :)

drop in mine too if still on beta please

Will it show completely on ALL resolutions?

Can you pm me for the plugin ?

That would be nice.

It must me a nice plugin to have !!!


Co-incidence - I lost the source code to this plugin, so rewrote it recently - and made a blog post about it yesterday :) I've been busy with other stuff - the Xponent mapper and general life stuff - busy time of year as you all know!!

As I said in my blog, I've been running it for a few nights without issue now. The next step for me is to readd the black box option, then I'm going to start the SMS integration...



Can you put the scrolling text over a clipbank?
Is it possible to change the black background?

There is no background; the text is overlayed on whatever is currently playing in VDJ - be that clipbank, video, sonique, slideshow etc.. :)

At the moment it's basically Text2D, except the messages all have the same settings and scroll one after the other on a loop and you aren't limited to 10 messages. I'm currently using it to promote nights, do shouts etc...



Is it possible to download your Beta Plugin ?


hi scott

if your short of testers please give me a shout, can't imagine it anyway but thanks


