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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: V Dj as a plugin for Ableton Live?

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Virtual Dj is a great piece of software that lets me route decks virtually where ever I like already via whatever soundcard or in some cases combination of sound cards even, but wouldn't it be amazingly productive to simply output directly to an ableton channel or set of channels for multiple decks completely separated with automation data from VDJ's interface it self, that would be the holy grail of tightening mixtapes, programing and production, but that could just be the start.

I'm using an NS7 for my main VDJ Asio, and a Projectmix IO and/or an mpc renaissance for ableton Asio. The functionality I get from my mpc as an standalone with the mpc software and as a vst for ableton is amazing. I'm sure this kind of functionality between vdj and ableton is completely possible, and absolutely worth investing in.

Posted Sun 24 May 15 @ 5:52 pm
You could use rewire...

Ah, but (AFAIK) Virtual DJ doesn't send any MIDI data across - so recording of the automation from movement of VDJs controls (via mouse or a controller) is not possible.

That's the crunch. The holy grail. Nirvana. That's what was possible with The Bridge (Serato / Ableton). Being able to record not only the audio onto separate tracks, but also all the knob/fader data too.


been hoping for this....

welcome to the new world.. I have been working on this since version 7 . Stuff got real in 6 when I linked the two using a midi clock and then rewired it. It worked for a bit then 8 came out and I gave up.. With the apc 80 now rocking it I would love to see them fix this and allow me to play. Im getting bored of mainstream djing but love virtual and the new 8 .. but being able to cut tracks drop in loops in sync plus have 120 dial and buttons takes it over the top.

I found out Serato discontinued 'the bridge' due to lack of sales.

But it wasn't for sale.

The Bridge was simply a link between two existing products that were for sale.

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