leadedge wrote :
OK sorry that didn't work. If the NVIDIA graphics was activated, this should have solved it.
Maybe when you install a new driver, existing profiles might be excluded or reset.
Although the Spout demo programs still work, the thing to look for is "Spout Memoryshare Sender". This means that the Intel graphics is being used and will have limited compatibility. VDJ will send (to the demo receiver) but not receive as you have found. One idea might be to set up a profile for the Spout demo sender to find out whether the profile settings have any effect. You want to see "Spout DX11 sender". Also make sure you have un-checked "Memory" in SpoutDXmode and you have selected "High performance".
I don't know what your hardware is, but is there any way to disable Intel graphics in the BIOS?
Also has it worked at all before? Upgrade to Windows 10 maybe? Other people are having a lot of problems with Resolume with Windows 10 and certain hardware. Have a look at the forum topic "black output with Resolume Arena" to see whether there is anything to give some idea on what to do.
Ok after a COMPLETE reinstall of everything I got it working!!
Fps are little lower then I like but then again I’m using an older i7 so its probably time to upgrade the PC.
Ill test over the weekend and make sure everything keeps working, lol!!
Thanks for the time, info and badass program