To my dismay, any search i\'ve done reguarding this topic does not produce any results, so i am asking anyone in the community if you have also tried this device and if you got it to respond to the Freestyler software. But mainly share your experience on this topic, i believe if there is enough of us out there with this issue then maybe we could see some support from the programmers(or at least an answer).
Also if anyone else is interested VenueMagic seems to be the only other software compatable with MyDMX.
Also if anyone else is interested VenueMagic seems to be the only other software compatable with MyDMX.

Posted Fri 12 Aug 11 @ 2:38 pm
Today's music genres have amazing amounts of bass emphasis. Even country music has it's bass heavy songs, yet few headphones on the market emphasize bass and even fewer do it well. Having a pair of bass headphones is crucial for those who listen to a lot of electronic, pop, hip-hop music, and want to hear what the music producers intended you to hear and in some cases, FEEL!
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[Please do not hijack a topic by posting a message that is not related in any way. Your message has nothing to do with using MyDMX. Please open your own new topic. NOTE: Posting spam and other advertising material on the VirtualDJ forums is not permitted.]
Posted Wed 17 Aug 11 @ 2:35 am