Drivers & Firmware
Windows No driver is necessary to install for Windows computers. However an ASIO driver is available at . If the ASIO driver is not installed, VirtualDJ will use the WASAPI driver in Audio setup.
Mac OSX: No driver is available or necessary to install for Mac OSX computers.The OS will install the necessary drivers first time the unit is connected to the computer.
Firmware: (for both Windows & Mac) No firmware update is available at the time this manual was written, but it is advised to check for any updates at Hercules Support Center 8 Setup
Download and install VirtualDJ 8 from (in case you have not done already)
Once VirtualDJ 8 is launched, a Connect Window will appear to choose one of the available ways to login.
A Pro Infinity, a Pro Subscription or a PLUS License is required to use the Hercules DJControl Starlight. Without any of the above Licenses, the controller will operate for 10 minutes each time you restart VirtualDJ.
A detection window will appear next verifying the proper connection.
Click on the Hercules DJCONTROL StarLight button to allow VirtualDJ to auto-create the pre-defined audio configuration.
Click to OK
The unit is now
ready to operate.
MIDI Operation.
The unit should be visible in the CONTROLLERS tab of Config and the “
factory default” available/selected from the Mappings drop-down list. The factory default Mapping offers the functions described in this Manual, however those can be adjusted to your needs via VDJ Script actions.
Find more details at
The unit has a pre-defined Audio configuration and a special button in the AUDIO tab of Config to provide that. The default audio configuration requires speakers to be connected at the left-side
Master 1/8" socket and headphones at the right-side 1/8" socket.
Refer to VirtualDJ 8 Manual for alternative audio configurations further software settings please refer to the User Guide of VirtualDJ 8.
M MASTER OUTPUTConnect a pair of amplified speakers using a 1/8" cable or adapterH HEADPHONES SOCKETConnect your Headphones using a 1/8" cable or adapterS SHIFTPress this button down to access secondary actions as described in the SHIFT ACTION columnKEY
1 PLAYPlay/Pause the track loaded to left/right deckPlay-stutter track. When pressed, track will resume playing from the previously stopped position2 CUESets current position as Temporary Cue point.
Preview track when paused while button is pressed
Jumps and stops to the Cue point when playing[Returns to the beginning of the track3 SYNCMatch BPM and Beat Phase with the opposite deckSmooth pitch reset. When pressed track will gradually get its original tempo4 TEMPOAdjust the tempo of the loaded track When in middle position , the track plays at its original speed.. 5 JOGWHEELTouch-sensitive jogwheel for scratching or bending (temporary speed up/down tempo) the track, depending on the Vinyl mode.Fast seek (search) track forward/backwards6 PFLUse these buttons to send the pre-fader audio signal of the Left/Right deck to the Headphones channel for pre-listening (connection at the right side).Control Headphones Mix. Use the left-side PFL button to toggle Headphones Mix between 100% and 0%. Use the right-side PFL button to toggle Headphones Mix between 50% and 0%.
When at 100% (left PFL led is turned on) only the Master Output signal will be heard in Headphones.
When at 0% (both PFL leds are turned off), only the Decks that have their PFL buttons will be heard in Headphones Channel
When at 50% (right PFL led is turned on) both signals from Master Output and monitored Decks will be blend in Headphones7 PAD MODESSet the 4 Pads to Hotcue or Loop mode. See Pads page for further details.Set the 4 Pads to FX or Sampler mode. See Pads page for further details 8 PADSThese buttons offer different functionality depending on the selected Pads mode See Pads page for further details.These buttons offer different functionality depending on the selected Pads mode See Pads page for further details9 CROSSFADERWhen on far left position, only sound from the left deck will be heard from the Master Output. When at far right position, only the sound of the right deck will be heard from the Master Output. In all other positions, the audio signals from left/right decks will be blend. 10 BASS/FILTERUse these knobs to cut/boost the frequencies of the Low/Bass Equalizer Band No adjustment is made when the knob is at the middle/center position
When in Filter mode, use these knobs to apply a High/Low Pass Filter to the Left/Right deck. No Filter is applied (off) when the knob is at the center/middle position 11 VOLUMEAdjust the Volume of the Left/Right deck 12 MASTER VOL *Use this knob to adjust the level of the Master Output (connection at the left-side panel). 13 HEADPHONES VOL *Use this knob to adjust the level of the Headphones Output (connection at the right-side panel). 14 BASS/FILTER MODEEnable/disable Filter mode on both Left/Right Decks. When enabled, use the Bass/Filter knobs to apply Filter and when disabled to control Equalizer Low Band 15 VINYLEnable/disable Vinyl mode on both Left/Right Decks. When enabled, use the upper/top surface of the jogwheel to scratch and the outer to bend. When disabled, the entire surface (upper and outer) of the jogwheel will be used for bending. * Note : Both Headphones Volume and Master Volume knobs are hardware, meaning that they will adjust the Headphones and Master Volumes even if not mapped with the relative VDJ actions. If assigned to a different action, then the hardware operation will still be performed.
The Hercules DJControl Starlight offers
RGB back-lighting with 4 leds mounted at the bottom of the unit. These leds can be assigned to any RGB color and have been pre-defined in the default mapping to offer 6 different lights modes
Open VirtualDJ Settings ->OPTIONS tab ->CONTROLLER sub-category and select one of the available values for the setting
Lightsmode. The selection is memorized across sessions.
VirtualDJ Options - Hercules Starlight Lights mode OFFThe backlight leds are turned off ON (AUTO)The backlight leds are turned on and automatically fade in/out in various colors without any beat-aware pattern (factory/hardware mode - not controlled by VirtualDJ) FLASH BEATThe left/right backlight leds flash in blue when left/right deck is at Beat 1 and flash red when in Beats 2,3 or 4 (of a 4-beat-grid pattern) as a mixing aid FADE BEAT The left/right backlight leds will fade-in/fade-out in blue when left/right deck is at Beat 1 and fade-in/fade-out red when in Beats 2,3 or 4 (of a 4-beat-grid pattern) as a mixing aid MASTER VOLBoth sides backlight leds will be lit white with intensity based on the Master Output level MASTER DECKBoth sides backlight leds will be lit blue if Left Deck is the Master Deck and red if the Right Deck is the Master Deck. (in most of the cases, the Master Deck will be the Deck that is audible on Master Output
For further Technical features and specifications, visit Hercules DJ CONTROL STARLIGHT
Product's Page
Hardware Integration Department 2018 - ATOMIX PRODUCTIONS Reproduction of this manual in full or in part without written permission from Atomix Productions is prohibited.