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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: TheLightingController (inc ShowXPress, SweetLight etc) - Page: 2

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Finally got this to work, not sure what I did.. no CBG information is now being passed from VDJ to showxpress. Is this enabled by default or do you need to enable it some how?

I have followed every step. My screens match everything else. I have a password, etc.

But it still does not trigger the effect.

I clicked the link to the Lighting Controller forum, but its a generic link and not to a actual topic. I did a search but not sure where you wanted me to go.

Can anyone do a video on this post it on YouTube and help out the whole community?

Please and Thanks!

So I uninstalled everything and started from scratch. I followed every step listed here. This does not work. I have tried just randomly changing stuff. I did a full reinstall and again nothing.

I have tried it on different machines:

HP DV7 Laptop
Surface Pro 3
Surface Pro 4
Asus Zen PC
HP Pavilion PC

All with more than enough specs to handle the task at hand.

I can not get Virtual DJ to send anything to the Chauvet ShowXpress software.

A step is missing. Can anyone please list out every step needed to make this work.


In ShowXpress:

* File > Preferences > Network > Ensure "External App." is Enabled. Note down port number if not the default of 7348.
* Live > Top left button > Settings > Ensure "External Control" is Enabled. Note down password if not the default of 1234.

Ensure VDJ is closed, then delete the plugin settings to reset it to default by deleting Documents\Plugins\AutoStart\TheLightingController8.ini (will be in Plugins64 on Mac).

Open VDJ, then open the plugin GUI by clicking Master section > Master Effect > AutoStart > TheLightingController8 > Cog Icon

* Ensure "Enable" is enabled (green)
* Ensure "Host" is (unless ShowXpress is on a different computer)
* Ensure "Port" matches the above (default 7348)
* If your password is not the default (1234) then click password and set the new password

Done. Tested and working fine here.

Load a song in VDJ, start it playing. Go to the ShowXpress window and notice the Auto BPM section on the right hand side will be moving in time with the beat in VDJ (and will stop moving if you stop the song in VDJ). Click the On/Off checkbox to then use this BPM in ShowXpress.

SBDJ - Perfect and Thanks! I now have it working.

To clarify: the Point Type > "Name" field Is actually more that just a name. It is the actual "ShowXpress button trigger"

And the Macro Action field is the VDJ Cue point where the "Name" field is triggered. So (set dmx_cue #) will never change.
And "Name" will change for the action in the DMX software.

I think one part of my confusion is the command syntax of:

I think another word in this instance of CUE would be better suited, just because in the nature of VDJ it's not an actual CUE rather it's more a FLIP of the current button state.


But it's sorted so THANKS!

I do have a couple questions:

1. As far as the software start up does it matter which is launched before the other? SXP before VDJ or other?

2. During a show can I turn on and off the effect as needed? Say I want the song to react for one use, then later same song no light show?
I will say I did click the On/Off toggle in SXP and it crashed the software. So this is the reason for this question.

Thanks so much!

It shouldn't matter which order you run the software.

The plug in in VDJ has an "Enable" option, disabling that should stop it sending to SXP. You could even map that to something to make it easy to toggle.

The naming and format of the commands was actually chosen by the developers of SXP :)

Scott is there anyway you can use some of your power and have them do a better job with the command names??

I've got it working but at times it takes a bunch of cues to turn on/off multiple scenes.

I wish I had power lol

Well you know what I'm saying, your a programmer and user as well so knowing you I'm sure you have a million ideas to make it better??

SBDJ does the CBG not work on macs? Everything else seems to work but no CBG. Thx!

It's working fine here.

Scott is there anyway you can use some of your power and have them do a better job with the command names??

I've got it working but at times it takes a bunch of cues to turn on/off multiple scenes.

I made macro light scenes, then you can only type one command but the macro will turn on as many lights/movements as you wish. Plus this gives you the option to change them and not re-do the light commands in VDJ

Got the cue points working fine
Is it possible to use effects to trigger a light scene

This may be the answer I've been looking for.

I'm not a pro DJ. I'm a hobbyist and I've got about 6 DMX fixtures and a ShowXPress 512. I bought all this several years ago to entertain my friends while we play SingStar and RockBand. Now I'm in nursing school and don't have that kind of disposable income.

I've got VDJ 7 home which I don't know how to use and the showxpress software. I can control my lights in that but I'd like to make some playlist and predefined shows for parties at my home.

Is there a way I can test this out on my Mac? If it works I'd happily pay to upgrade to VDJ pro.

I use a Mac and it works so just go for it already.

Ok so I am back to having problems with this plugin again using VDJ 8 and the new Lightingcontroller8 plugin

I have checked and rechecked the settings (IP address, Port 7348 and Password 1234 and they are all enabled and set to the right numbers.

I load a song in VDJ, start it playing. then I go to the ShowXpress window and notice that the Auto BPM section on the right hand side will be moving in time with the beat in VDJ (and will stop moving if you stop the song in VDJ).

I have the cue point named DMX|CUE|Slow Room Macro with Action as the type. I then have the Macro Action as set dmx_cue1.

Where am I going wrong?

You should have a space between dmx_cue and the cue number, and the number needs to correspond to the cue point you're setting it on.

Thank you Scott I knew it would be something simple like that....


Is it possible to trigger buttons using the pads on my controller setting up a new page named "Lighting"?

I would like to control from my ddj sz rather than flipping to another screen on my laptop.

Thanks.. LJ

In this step - Ensure VDJ is closed, then delete the plugin settings to reset it to default by deleting Documents\Plugins\AutoStart\TheLightingController8.ini (will be in Plugins64 on Mac).

are you stating that the whole plugin folder needs to be deleted or just thelightingcontroller8.ini out of the auto start folder?

